Unique Flower Ring Designs
Our Flower rings run the gamut on unique design. Everything from large diamonds channel set down the band outlined in any metal you would want, to pave encrusted diamonds encircling, intertwining, and looping through complicated patterns from floral to imaginatively complicated engravings and artwork. All showing a blooming flower (rose, and lotus) as it's main feature.
What's great about our flower rings, is it's nearly impossible to come up with a finite way to style them. You can choose to use colored diamonds or gemstones on each petal, or use various different colored metals. You can ask us to redesign any of them to make them more your style, or you could unleash your creativity and ask us to design a whole new ring.
Blooming Beauty Ring Collection
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Pictures and Videos
One of the biggest issues we face is how to take the pictures, as pictures taken from different angles can make the same ring look quite different. This is an issue no matter what ring you're looking at. This site or another. This is why we encourage you to watch the videos. The pictures, no matter how well we take them, just can't compare with the actual video of the ring.
Buying Diamonds for Cheap!
Although we don't list center diamonds on our website, we have access to tens of thousands of them just like any other site. The difference is, being a manufacturer of our own settings there are many diamond wholesalers that will give us better deals on their diamonds. Better than what you see on other websites. If you want a diamond to go with any of our settings just tell us what you want and your price range. You could also send us a link to where you see a diamond on any other site. Even if you do not buy a setting from us, but just want a better deal on a diamond, we can help with that, as well.