~ Diamond Terminology from A to Z ~
There are thousands of terms being used in today's jewelry industry. Some common knowledge, others are obscure and baffling. We've created a database of terminology from A to Z to make it easy, and of course if you still have questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email or give us a call.
Any figure having eight sides or faces. In the case of a diamond, the diamond crystals that make a diamond are usually in the form of a Octahedron.
Off-Make, Off Make
Another term for a diamond that has a pretty poor cut. You'll notice right away usually by the lopsided effect in appearance the diamond may have.
When a stone has many surface inclusions some may apply a process called Oiling. Which is a oil made of minerals that when rubbed on gem, typically not a diamond it can and usually will mask/hide the inclusion and bring out a more vivid color.
Old European Cut
A 58 faceted round diamond with a high crown and deep pavilion. It also has an open culet but this is not always the case. Not as popular today because today's version of a round cut let light pass though and up it a lot better that the days of the Old European Cut.
Old Miners Cut
Another old style form of the round brilliant cut. Often called the "Cushion Cut". It's characterized as having an overly large culet, very deep pavilion, and a rather small table.
One Carat
Equal to .2 grams, or 1/5th of a gram. One carat is the traditional size every diamond wants to be at or larger. The larger a diamond over the magical one carat range usually the more money it can command if all other of the 4C's are the same.
Have you ever looked at a diamond and it appeared very milky, dull, or just has no sparkle. This is because the diamond is opaque, or non-transparent because light can not get back up to the top, or in some cases the light can't even penetrate the diamond at all.
Open culet
The culet is the bottom of the diamond, usually signified as a point at the bottom. An open culet is when the point has been changed to look more like a facet than a single point.
A very very very very rare color in a diamond. If you find one of these be prepared to really cash in especially if it's over a carat.
Oval Cut
A fancy shaped diamond cut, or "fancy cut" if you will. That is shaped in the shape of an oval.
A second, not as strong, green, blue, or rose color in a pearl.
The chemical reaction when a metal and oxygen are combined.