~ Diamond Terminology from A to Z ~
There are thousands of terms being used in today's jewelry industry. Some common knowledge, others are obscure and baffling. We've created a database of terminology from A to Z to make it easy, and of course if you still have questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email or give us a call.
Hallmark, Hallmarked, Hallmarking
Starting in the 18th century, Hallmarking was a way to put a legal marked stamp on something to signify it's purity. In cases of minerals like gold you'll see 10K, 14K, 18K, or 22K stamped on the inside. A diamond, for instance, might be hallmarked by GIA by lasering in an identification number in the diamond itself, so it could always be recognized especially if it was stolen.
When dealing with minerals or gems the hardness relates to the resistance the gem can withstand when it comes to scratching. In a diamond's case it relates to the resistance it can withstand on a smooth surface. The hardness is scaled on a system called Mohs. The Mohs scale tells which gems can actually be scratched. Each mineral below can scratch the ones above it, however the the above can not be scratched by the ones below it. The scale is rated from 1 being the softest and 10 being the strongest. The scale works in this order:
1) Talc
2) Gypsum
3) Calcite
4) Fluorite
5) Apatite
6) Orthoclase
7) Quartz
8) Topaz
9) Corundum
10) Diamond
The only thing that can cut a diamond IS a diamond. The hardest substance on Earth, that we know of.
Heart Cut
A fancy cut diamond that's cut into the shape of a heart.
Hearts and Arrows, H&A
The most perfectly cut diamond pattern there is. Perfectly symmetrical in all 58 facets. All perfectly aligned. All magnify light perfectly! The light enters in and has no place left to go, but back out the top creating unbelievable brilliance! Only a few diamond cutters in the world can create such a masterpiece, and that is why this particular cut is among the most expensive you'll ever find, and if you have the money, quite worth it. Hearts and Arrows can only be done in a round brilliant shape. The reason it's called Hearts and Arrows is because under certain light, or illumination if you will, you will see a pattern of arrows and in between those arrows you'll see patterns of hearts. If you've seen this, then you've seen perfection when it comes to diamond cutting.
The center or side stones need to be secure on the setting. The Head is the prong like objects that accomplish this task.
High Polish
A gem or diamond that has been polished to a mirror like image. Some say you could very easily see your reflection.