~ Diamond Terminology from A to Z ~
There are thousands of terms being used in today's jewelry industry. Some common knowledge, others are obscure and baffling. We've created a database of terminology from A to Z to make it easy, and of course if you still have questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email or give us a call.
Baguette Diamonds are A step cut in the shape of a small rectangle. May be tapered at one end, or oblong.
A scale used for weighing diamonds calibrated in "Carats", with tolerances often within 1/1000th of a carat
A color term used to describe some diamonds with a "Fancy" Brownish-Yellow color.
A Type of cut introduced by Basil Watermeyer and his wife Marion.
A third generation of diamond manufacturers that specialize in the "Antwerp Cut"
This can refer to any "irregular" shape diamond. It can also refer to a jewelry style from the "Baroque" period in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Bearded Girdle (Bearding)
This refers to tiny, almost "Hairlike" appearing fractures that extend in to the stone.
Best Diamonds
Diamonds that have the perfect balance of the 4 C's. And in our opinion, that do not cost too much!!
Similar to engagement but pre-arranged-A method used in earlier times as a formal state of engagement to be married, often with little or no input by the bride or groom-It is believed that Mary of Burgandy was the first woman to receive a Diamond Betrothal Ring (Engagement Ring)
A facet on the upper part of the diamond (Crown) above the girdle-Also referred to as a kite facet.
BHP Billiton
Owns the Ekati Mine in Canada and produces 4% of the worlds diamonds by volume and 6% by Value. Marketed by the CanadaMark brand name.
Black Orlov (Orloff)
A very large (67.5 carats) and famous Black Diamond discovered in India in the early 1800's-Believed by many to be cursed, it originally weighed 195 carats and was referred to as the "Eye Of Brahma" because it was removed from the eye of the Idol "Brahma" by a monk near Pondicherry India-At least 3 previous owners are believed to have jumped to their deaths-In an attempt to remove the curse, the diamond was cut into 3 separate stones-One of which is the 67.5 carat "Black Orlov".
Black Diamonds
A color of diamond that has become popular over the last several years due to promotional efforts-Also produced in synthetic form.
An imperfection on the external surface of a diamond-affects clarity.
A very rare and therefor very expensive "Fancy" color-created by trace amounts of Boron in the diamond.
Blue Ground (Blueground)
Refers to a layer of nonoxidized kimberlite(A class of mineral commonly associated with diamond mining) During the "Diamond Rushes" that occured in South Africa, many digs that only had Blue Ground remaining, were purchased by Barney Barnato-who crafted a large fortune by doing so.
Bort (Boart)
Industrial Grade of diamonds that are not Gem Grade-therefor used in tools and not in jewelry.
An association for dealers and traders of rough and polished diamonds. Bourses have strict rules for conduct to which all members must adhere. There are about 25 bourses worldwide and they usually belong to the World Federation Of Diamond Bourses (An umbrella organization that links all of the recognized diamond bourses).
Bowtie Effect (Bow Tie)
Considered to be a negative effect. It is a dark/shadowy area of the diamond usually seen in some fancy shapes such as the Oval and Marquise Diamonds caused by light leaking out of the bottom of the stone due to less than ideal cutting proportions.
The brightness and sparkle that is produced by a well cut diamond. Not the same thing as "Fire" or "Dispersion". While other gemstones may also display brilliance, none can compare to the diamond
Brilliant Cut
A round shape diamond with 57 or 58 facets precisely designed and cut for maximum brilliance.
A specialist that facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers and earns a commission on the transaction.
A long-teardrop shaped diamond with rose cut facets.
A color of diamond that sometimes can be considered "Fancy" in color if meeting Vivid standards. Also referred to as cognac, coffee, and champagne. Not necessarily the most popular color for a diamond, but may be very rare
A type of inclusion that consists of surface crumbling and is often accompanied by tiny, root like feathers.
Bruting (Bruiting)
The process of rounding a diamond to form it's girdle. This may often be performed by grinding one diamond against another on a rotating wheel- May also be referred to as "Rounding" or "Girdling".
Burnt (Burned-Burn)
A negative effect resulting from the cutter polishing a facet against the grain, or possibly allowing the diamond to overheat. Overheating may cause oxidation, and polishing against the grain may produce a "Foggy", "Whitish", or "Burnt" results